28 March 2011

"Things to do with Henry"

When family and friends spend time with Henry, everyone always wants to know what they can do with Henry to help develop his listening and speech, so I have a few pointers printed out and stuck on the fridge.  It also serves as a good reminder to me.  I have put a copy below.

Things to do with Henry
  • Use a moderate, clear voice.
  • Use full sentences and model language correctly.
  • Talk, talk, talk – about every activity you do with him.  Don’t miss a chance to have a conversation whenever you can, and be close by and at his eye and ear level.  He needs lots of extra talking to, to learn both the language and how to listen.  However don’t talk about abstract things- talk about what Henry is focused on.  
  • Give Henry a chance to talk back.  Ask him a question and wait, wait, wait.  Count slowly to five.  Only then provide the answer if he has not yet responded.
  • Reward approximations.  If you say ‘cup’ and he says ‘oo’, don’t correct him, just say, ‘that’s right, it’s a cup, good talking Henry, you said cup’.
  • Sing songs that are fun and include actions.
  • Communicate’ – When Henry makes sounds, copy and make them back, and then vary it and start a new sound and see if Henry will copy it back.
  • Minimise background noise – turn off the tv, washing machine, etc.  It makes it very hard for Henry to hear properly.
  • Say it before he sees it eg. ‘Do you want a drink Henry?’  Give him a chance to think about what you are asking, then show him the drink.  Do you want to read a book Henry?  Wait, then show him the book.
-   To teach him that words mean something.
-   To teach him how to listen- how to distinguish between different sounds (much harder for him than a hearing baby).
And remember, he is our little baby Henry first and foremost- lots of hugs and kisses - enjoy him!!!!!

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