09 January 2011

It's all relative

As if Henry’s hearing problems weren’t enough to keep us busy, Henry has suffered respiratory problems for the last five months. He has been hospitalised three times with bronchiolitis and pneumonia and has been on up to fifteen different medications a day. Since Henry was born ten months ago, I don’t think a week has gone by where we haven’t had at least one doctors appointment. William’s company provides health insurance to its employees and their families. A few weeks ago the health insurance company rang and said they were cancelling their insurance for the entire company as it was costing too much money to insure Henry!
My greatest concern right now is trying to get Henry healthy enough so that he can cope with the surgery next week. I have turned into super-paranoid mum. I am wearing a singlet and jean shorts in the warm Dubai winter. Henry doesn’t own a lot of warm clothes, but everything he does own, he is wearing- jumpers and two pairs of trousers, hats, poor baby can barely move. At 5pm each day I run around the house shutting doors, lest the slightly cool Dubai air breeze slip into the house and find its way into Henrys lungs. But he continues to wheeze and sniffle, so I continue to do all I can to get him better. Herbal remedies. Steroids for his lungs. The horrible nasal spray that he just takes in his stride. A heat pack to sleep with. If only sheer worry alone could make him better...
We had a check up with his paediatrician a few days ago, and he was also concerned that they wouldn’t clear him for such an intense surgery in his current state. He wrote me a letter to take to the doctors, explaining that while Henry seems unwell, relative to how sick he has been over the past five months, he is actually in good condition.
We leave for Australia on Tuesday. My hope is that he will thrive in the warm Australian summer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah hope Henry is doing well (i have only just started reading your blog) but I wanted to recommend fish oil. My baby was a premmie (28 week) and she has thrived on it. She never gets sick. We use Dr Sears which you can buy from iherb.com, I am sure that there are other good brands but this is the only one we have tried.It's not necessary they take it everyday, every now & then keeps my little on healthy. Take care.
